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Club Rules


The following rules are applicable to all athletes who are members of the Colorado Springs Striders Track & Field Club.

All athletes will:

Attend all scheduled practices and meets that the club enters. Event Coaches will provide a weekly practice schedule.

1. Arrive at the practice or meet site at the designated time. Generally arrival at the meet site will be 1 1/2 hours prior to the scheduled time for your first event.

2. Wear the appropriate practice and meet clothing. Practice clothing will include: track shorts, T-shirt or tank top, sweat suits, training shoes, spikes (running, jumping, throwing, etc.), tights (sprinters and hurdlers required—all others optional), winds suit [optional]. Meet clothing may include all of the above in addition to the competition uniform.

No baggy shorts or clothing with other team logos is allowed. Pants/shorts will be worn at or above the waistline.

Pants/shorts will not be worn rolled down at the waistline and sweat pants will not be rolled up above the calves. Tops should be worn tucked in during competition and training.

3. Not use inappropriate language or profanity. This includes trash talking.

4. Not use tobacco, alcohol, or illegal/controlled substances.

5. Not engage in “horseplay” at anytime you are engaged in club activities.

6. Not display willful disobedience or defiance towards coaches, club personnel (this includes parent and adult visitors), and officials.

7. Exhibit respect and dignity for/towards all coaches, officials, and your peers.

8. Display good sportsmanship at all times. Be a humble winner and a courteous loser.

9. Not disrobe during competition or practice in the area of activity. Specifically, do not remove uniform or practice tops. This includes the act of pulling down the tops of speed suits.

10. Exhibit a positive attitude and work ethic at all times.

11. Thank the event officials at the conclusion of your race/jump/throw.

12. Address all officials and adults as “Sir” or “Ma’am”.

13. Assist in setting up equipment at practice when necessary.

14. When injured attend practices if you are ambulatory unless your coach states otherwise. Information or new techniques may not be redistributed or demonstrated in a subsequent practice session.

Failure to adhere to items 1-10 above and USATF competition rules may result in disciplinary action that could include a reprimand, suspension, or dismissal.